I’m Katie, I help mothers get their mojo back after a marriage breakdown.

Separation and divorce can be a tricky time and throw coparenting into the mix and there is a lot to navigate!

My clients come to me for help in regulating their own emotions so they can in turn support their little humans through adjusting to having two homes.

I’m essentially a metaphorical hand hold for Mums through mid life wobbles!

Life is wonderful yet can be hard!

The fact you’re here reading this tells me you’re ready to put your growth and your balance first. As we work together more through coaching you will find more internal resources than you ever knew you had to be able to move forward gain balance, take the positives, regaining confidence in yourself and life choices.

When we are young we have support and mentors all around us, then bang we grow up and we’re on our own! We have children, get married, separate, get divorced… We are left to adult and the universe assumes we’ll be ok! 

Truth is there isn’t a point in life when we are suddenly OK, there are things that rock us, leave us with trauma, trigger us, then we’ll be totally on a high and life is in that sweet spot, then maybe on the rollercoaster again, we feel stuck, need a little bit of a support and guidance.

Parenthood, separation or divorce, life pivots, blended families, changes, feel like you are having a wobble with life? Life can rock us all.

I can help uncover any blocks, give you a boost in self confidence, guide you through changes and enable you to up-level through transitions that life throws at us all.

I’m Katie, Mumma, Partner, Co-Parent, Friend, Business Owner, Sister, NLP Coach & Life Juggler!

As adults we have to wear so many hats, shifting from one role to another, then add in the delicate aspects of life it can feel like a big balancing act. I’m here to offer support to you!

As a Life Coach and NLP Practitioner I encourage people I work with to create long lasting change to aid positive change and balance of life.

Excited to work with you and see your growth.

All the love -

Katie x


Passionate about weaving our way through in a positive way to enable great role models for our little humans!

How can I help you?

  • Support through lifes transitions

  • All life curveballs, challenges and wobbles

  • Restoring a balance that feels good

  • Supporting through difficult times in relationships, divorce and separation

  • Parenting and co-parenting challenges